diff --git a/database.sql b/database.sql deleted file mode 100644 index 01001cb..0000000 --- a/database.sql +++ /dev/null @@ -1,262 +0,0 @@ --- Database: ShadowHunterDatabase - --- DROP DATABASE "ShadowHunterDatabase"; - -CREATE DATABASE "ShadowHunterDatabase" - WITH - OWNER = postgres - ENCODING = 'UTF8' - LC_COLLATE = 'French_France.1252' - LC_CTYPE = 'French_France.1252' - TABLESPACE = pg_default - CONNECTION LIMIT = -1; - --- --- PostgreSQL database dump --- - --- Dumped from database version 12.2 --- Dumped by pg_dump version 12.2 - --- Started on 2020-04-27 15:16:34 - -SET statement_timeout = 0; -SET lock_timeout = 0; -SET idle_in_transaction_session_timeout = 0; -SET client_encoding = 'UTF8'; -SET standard_conforming_strings = on; -SELECT pg_catalog.set_config('search_path', '', false); -SET check_function_bodies = false; -SET xmloption = content; -SET client_min_messages = warning; -SET row_security = off; - -SET default_tablespace = ''; - -SET default_table_access_method = heap; - --- --- TOC entry 202 (class 1259 OID 16700) --- Name: CartesLumiere; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres --- - -CREATE TABLE public."CartesLumiere" ( - id integer NOT NULL, - nom text NOT NULL, - image bytea -); - - -ALTER TABLE public."CartesLumiere" OWNER TO postgres; - --- --- TOC entry 205 (class 1259 OID 16724) --- Name: CartesPersonnage; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres --- - -CREATE TABLE public."CartesPersonnage" ( - id integer NOT NULL, - nom text NOT NULL, - image bytea -); - - -ALTER TABLE public."CartesPersonnage" OWNER TO postgres; - --- --- TOC entry 203 (class 1259 OID 16708) --- Name: CartesTenebre; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres --- - -CREATE TABLE public."CartesTenebre" ( - id integer NOT NULL, - nom text NOT NULL, - image bytea -); - - -ALTER TABLE public."CartesTenebre" OWNER TO postgres; - --- --- TOC entry 204 (class 1259 OID 16716) --- Name: CartesVision; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres --- - -CREATE TABLE public."CartesVision" ( - id integer NOT NULL, - nom text NOT NULL, - image bytea -); - - -ALTER TABLE public."CartesVision" OWNER TO postgres; - --- --- TOC entry 206 (class 1259 OID 16732) --- Name: CartesAll; Type: VIEW; Schema: public; Owner: postgres --- - -CREATE VIEW public."CartesAll" AS - SELECT "CartesLumiere".id, - "CartesLumiere".nom, - "CartesLumiere".image - FROM public."CartesLumiere" -UNION - SELECT "CartesTenebre".id, - "CartesTenebre".nom, - "CartesTenebre".image - FROM public."CartesTenebre" -UNION - SELECT "CartesVision".id, - "CartesVision".nom, - "CartesVision".image - FROM public."CartesVision" -UNION - SELECT "CartesPersonnage".id, - "CartesPersonnage".nom, - "CartesPersonnage".image - FROM public."CartesPersonnage" - ORDER BY 1; - - -ALTER TABLE public."CartesAll" OWNER TO postgres; - --- --- TOC entry 2840 (class 0 OID 16700) --- Dependencies: 202 --- Data for Name: CartesLumiere; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres --- - -COPY public."CartesLumiere" (id, nom, image) FROM stdin; -1 Amulette \\x573a5c7368495c6c756d696572655c616d756c657474652e706e67 -2 Ange Gardien \\x573a5c7368495c6c756d696572655c616e67652d6761726469656e2e706e67 -3 Avenment Suprême \\x573a5c7368495c6c756d696572655c6176656e6d656e742d73757072656d652e706e67 -4 Barre de Chocolat \\x573a5c7368495c6c756d696572655c62617272652d64652d63686f636f6c61742e706e67 -5 Bénédiction \\x573a5c7368495c6c756d696572655c62656e6564696374696f6e2e706e67 -6 Boussole Mystique \\x573a5c7368495c6c756d696572655c626f7573736f6c652d6d797374697175652e706e67 -7 Broche De Chance \\x573a5c7368495c6c756d696572655c62726f6368652d64652d6368616e63652e706e67 -8 Crucifix En Argent \\x573a5c7368495c6c756d696572655c63727563696669782d656e2d617267656e742e706e67 -9 Eau Bénite \\x573a5c7368495c6c756d696572655c6561752d62656e6974652e706e67 -10 Eau Bénite \\x573a5c7368495c6c756d696572655c6561752d62656e6974652e706e67 -11 Eclair Purificateur \\x573a5c7368495c6c756d696572655c65636c6169722d7075726966696361746575722e706e67 -12 Lance De Longinus \\x573a5c7368495c6c756d696572655c6c616e63652d64652d6c6f6e67696e75732e706e67 -13 Mirroir Divin \\x573a5c7368495c6c756d696572655c6d6972726f69722d646976696e2e706e67 -14 Premier Secours \\x573a5c7368495c6c756d696572655c7072656d6965722d7365636f7572732e706e67 -15 Savoir Ancestral \\x573a5c7368495c6c756d696572655c7361766f69722d616e6365737472616c2e706e67 -16 Toge Sainte \\x573a5c7368495c6c756d696572655c746f67652d7361696e74652e706e67 -\. - - --- --- TOC entry 2843 (class 0 OID 16724) --- Dependencies: 205 --- Data for Name: CartesPersonnage; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres --- - -COPY public."CartesPersonnage" (id, nom, image) FROM stdin; -48 Alie \\x573a5c7368495c706572736f5c616c69652e706e67 -49 Bob \\x573a5c7368495c706572736f5c626f622e706e67 -50 Charles \\x573a5c7368495c706572736f5c636861726c65732e706e67 -51 Daniel \\x573a5c7368495c706572736f5c64616e69656c2e706e67 -52 Emi \\x573a5c7368495c706572736f5c656d692e706e67 -53 Franklin \\x573a5c7368495c706572736f5c6672616e6b6c696e2e706e67 -54 Georges \\x573a5c7368495c706572736f5c67656f726765732e706e67 -55 Loup-Garou \\x573a5c7368495c706572736f5c6c6f75702d6761726f752e706e67 -56 Metamorphe \\x573a5c7368495c706572736f5c6d6574616d6f727068652e706e67 -57 Vampire \\x573a5c7368495c706572736f5c76616d706972652e706e67 -\. - - --- --- TOC entry 2841 (class 0 OID 16708) --- Dependencies: 203 --- Data for Name: CartesTenebre; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres --- - -COPY public."CartesTenebre" (id, nom, image) FROM stdin; -17 Araignée Sanguinaire \\x573a5c7368495c74656e656272655c61726169676e65652d73616e6775696e616972652e706e67 -18 Chauve Souris Vampire \\x573a5c7368495c74656e656272655c6368617576652d736f757269732d76616d706972652e706e67 -19 Chauve Souris Vampire \\x573a5c7368495c74656e656272655c6368617576652d736f757269732d76616d706972652e706e67 -20 Chauve Souris Vampire \\x573a5c7368495c74656e656272655c6368617576652d736f757269732d76616d706972652e706e67 -21 Dynamite \\x573a5c7368495c74656e656272655c64796e616d6974652e706e67 -22 Hache Tueuse \\x573a5c7368495c74656e656272655c68616368652d7475657573652e706e67 -23 Hachoir Maudit \\x573a5c7368495c74656e656272655c686163686f69722d6d61756469742e706e67 -24 Mitrailleuse Funueste \\x573a5c7368495c74656e656272655c6d69747261696c6c657573652d66756e75657374652e706e67 -25 Peau De Banane \\x573a5c7368495c74656e656272655c706561752d64652d62616e616e652e706e67 -26 Poupée Démoniaque \\x573a5c7368495c74656e656272655c706f757065652d64656d6f6e69617175652e706e67 -27 Revolver Des Ténèbres \\x573a5c7368495c74656e656272655c7265766f6c7665722d6465732d74656e65627265732e706e67 -28 Rituel Diabolique \\x573a5c7368495c74656e656272655c72697475656c2d646961626f6c697175652e706e67 -29 Sabre Hanté Masamune \\x573a5c7368495c74656e656272655c73616272652d68616e74652d6d6173616d756e652e706e67 -30 Succube Tentatrice \\x573a5c7368495c74656e656272655c737563637562652d74656e746174726963652e706e67 -31 Succube Tentatrice \\x573a5c7368495c74656e656272655c737563637562652d74656e746174726963652e706e67 -32 Tronconneuse Du Mal \\x573a5c7368495c74656e656272655c74726f6e636f6e6e657573652d64752d6d616c2e706e67 -\. - - --- --- TOC entry 2842 (class 0 OID 16716) --- Dependencies: 204 --- Data for Name: CartesVision; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres --- - -COPY public."CartesVision" (id, nom, image) FROM stdin; -33 Vision Clairevoyante \\x573a5c7368495c766973696f6e5c766973696f6e2d636c61697265766f79616e74652e706e67 -34 Vision Cupide \\x573a5c7368495c766973696f6e5c766973696f6e2d6375706964652e706e67 -35 Vision Cupide \\x573a5c7368495c766973696f6e5c766973696f6e2d6375706964652e706e67 -36 Vision Destructrice \\x573a5c7368495c766973696f6e5c766973696f6e2d6465737472756374726963652e706e67 -37 Vision Divine \\x573a5c7368495c766973696f6e5c766973696f6e2d646976696e652e706e67 -38 Vision Enivrante \\x573a5c7368495c766973696f6e5c766973696f6e2d656e697672616e74652e706e67 -39 Vision Enivrante \\x573a5c7368495c766973696f6e5c766973696f6e2d656e697672616e74652e706e67 -40 Vision Foudroyante \\x573a5c7368495c766973696f6e5c766973696f6e2d666f7564726f79616e74652e706e67 -41 Vision-Furtive \\x573a5c7368495c766973696f6e5c766973696f6e2d667572746976652e706e67 -42 Vision-Furtive \\x573a5c7368495c766973696f6e5c766973696f6e2d667572746976652e706e67 -43 Vision Lugubre \\x573a5c7368495c766973696f6e5c766973696f6e2d6c7567756272652e706e67 -44 Vision Mortifière \\x573a5c7368495c766973696f6e5c766973696f6e2d6d6f72746966696572652e706e67 -45 Vision Purificatrice \\x573a5c7368495c766973696f6e5c766973696f6e2d707572696669636174726963652e706e67 -46 Vision Réconfortante \\x573a5c7368495c766973696f6e5c766973696f6e2d7265636f6e666f7274616e74652e706e67 -47 Vision Suprême \\x573a5c7368495c766973696f6e5c766973696f6e2d73757072656d652e706e67 -\. - - --- --- TOC entry 2706 (class 2606 OID 16707) --- Name: CartesLumiere CartesLumiere_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres --- - -ALTER TABLE ONLY public."CartesLumiere" - ADD CONSTRAINT "CartesLumiere_pkey" PRIMARY KEY (id); - - --- --- TOC entry 2712 (class 2606 OID 16731) --- Name: CartesPersonnage CartesPersonnage_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres --- - -ALTER TABLE ONLY public."CartesPersonnage" - ADD CONSTRAINT "CartesPersonnage_pkey" PRIMARY KEY (id); - - --- --- TOC entry 2708 (class 2606 OID 16715) --- Name: CartesTenebre CartesTenebre_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres --- - -ALTER TABLE ONLY public."CartesTenebre" - ADD CONSTRAINT "CartesTenebre_pkey" PRIMARY KEY (id); - - --- --- TOC entry 2710 (class 2606 OID 16723) --- Name: CartesVision CartesVision_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres --- - -ALTER TABLE ONLY public."CartesVision" - ADD CONSTRAINT "CartesVision_pkey" PRIMARY KEY (id); - - --- Completed on 2020-04-27 15:16:35 - --- --- PostgreSQL database dump complete --- - diff --git a/databse.tar b/databse.tar new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ed4aaa6 Binary files /dev/null and b/databse.tar differ diff --git a/src/ihm/Main.java b/src/ihm/Main.java index d17849e..eea36f6 100644 --- a/src/ihm/Main.java +++ b/src/ihm/Main.java @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ public class Main extends Application { public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception { System.out.println("Lancement de l'application"); - final URL fxmlURL = getClass().getResource("ressources/Menu.fxml"); // "ressources/Jouer_tour(1)lancer_des.fxml" + final URL fxmlURL = getClass().getResource("ressources/Jouer_tour(1)lancer_des.fxml"); // "ressources/Jouer_tour(1)lancer_des.fxml" final ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("domaine.properties.langue", Locale.FRANCE); final FXMLLoader fxmlLoader = new FXMLLoader(fxmlURL, bundle); Pane root = fxmlLoader.load(); diff --git a/src/ihm/controller/JouerSonTour1Controller.java b/src/ihm/controller/JouerSonTour1Controller.java index f641fbd..dac0c00 100644 --- a/src/ihm/controller/JouerSonTour1Controller.java +++ b/src/ihm/controller/JouerSonTour1Controller.java @@ -6,13 +6,22 @@ import java.util.Random; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import carte.CarteLieu; +import ihm.SpriteAnimation; +import javafx.animation.Animation; +import javafx.event.Event; +import javafx.event.EventHandler; import javafx.fxml.FXML; import javafx.fxml.FXMLLoader; import javafx.fxml.Initializable; +import javafx.geometry.Rectangle2D; +import javafx.scene.Group; import javafx.scene.control.Label; +import javafx.scene.image.ImageView; import javafx.scene.input.MouseEvent; +import javafx.scene.layout.AnchorPane; import javafx.scene.layout.BorderPane; import javafx.scene.layout.Pane; +import javafx.util.Duration; import main.Joueur; public class JouerSonTour1Controller implements Initializable{ @@ -20,10 +29,53 @@ public class JouerSonTour1Controller implements Initializable{ @FXML private Pane rootPane; @FXML private Label nomJoueur; + @FXML private AnchorPane d6; + @FXML private AnchorPane d4; @Override public void initialize(URL arg0, ResourceBundle arg1) { //nomJoueur.setText(joueur.getNom()); + + int OFFSET_X = 0; + int OFFSET_Y = 0; + int WIDTH = 200; + int HEIGHT = 200; + int COUNT = 6; + int COLUMNS = 6; + + //anchorPane1.getChildren().setAll(imageView); + + + ImageView imageView; + try { + imageView = FXMLLoader.load(getClass().getResource("../ressources/img/des.fxml")); + imageView.setViewport(new Rectangle2D(OFFSET_X, OFFSET_Y, WIDTH, HEIGHT)); + + imageView.fitWidthProperty().bind(d6.widthProperty()); + final SpriteAnimation animation = new SpriteAnimation( + imageView, + Duration.millis(250), + COUNT, COLUMNS, + OFFSET_X, OFFSET_Y, + 557, 557 + ); + animation.setCycleCount(Animation.INDEFINITE); + animation.play(); + d6.getChildren().addAll(new Group(imageView)); + d6.setOnMousePressed(new EventHandler( + + ) { + + @Override + public void handle(Event arg0) { + animation.stop(); + + } + }); + } catch (IOException e) { + // TODO Auto-generated catch block + e.printStackTrace(); + } } @FXML diff --git a/src/ihm/ressources/Jouer_tour(1)lancer_des.fxml b/src/ihm/ressources/Jouer_tour(1)lancer_des.fxml index dc83f10..1f12ad6 100644 --- a/src/ihm/ressources/Jouer_tour(1)lancer_des.fxml +++ b/src/ihm/ressources/Jouer_tour(1)lancer_des.fxml @@ -2,9 +2,8 @@ + - - @@ -14,8 +13,6 @@ - -